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encounter prayer groups
These sessions will take place online via ZOOM.
The format will be as follows:
• A short passage of scripture will be shared
• The group will be led in a guided encounter prayer
• An opportunity to meet with 2-3 others in a breakout room for 10-15 minutes with a facilitator. This will give you a chance to talk about your encounter, ask questions and, if time, receive more prayer.
• The group come back together for a final blessing.
The whole session lasts approximately 40 minutes and you will be sent the zoom link usually the day before the session.
Please note that places are limited and we will have a waiting list so please do let us know, as soon as you are aware, if you are unable to take part. You can email us on chm@healingmission.org
This session is offered free of charge but if you are able to make a donation we would be very grateful.
encounter prayer sessions
All timings published are based on London, UK settings
CHM will keep your personal details securely in line with our privacy policy. We will never pass your details on to another organisation for marketing purposes. If you'd like to change your consent options in the future, please just contact us.